Esteban Kuber

San Francisco, CA
We spent decades trying to invent a sufficiently smart compiler when
we should have been inventing a sufficiently empathetic one.
I am a Software Engineer working 15+ years on developer tools, distributed systems and consumer facing applications. I have been involved in the Rust programming language since 2015 and have spent countless hours making the Rust Compiler a friendly tutor. I am passionate about Open Source/Libre Software, strongly enjoy mentoring, problem solving and knowledge sharing, and am convinced that the User Experience of developer tools is as important as that of consumer products.
I am seeking opportunities and projects that will allow me to use Rust as a solution to real problems, and to continue growing and improving the Rust ecosystem and community.
Google App Engine
Google Closure
Google Visualization API
Protocol Buffers
Google Flume
Google Cloud Technology
Google App Engine Datastore
Google Cloud SQL
MS SQL Server
Linux (Arch/Debian/Slackware/Ubuntu/RHEL/Fedora)
Mac OS X
Windows (2000/XP/7/10/11)
Compiler Team Member
September 2017 – Current
Member of the Rust Compiler Team, dedicated mainly to improving its language ergonomics and associated tooling user experience.
Principal Software Engineer
Amazon Web Services
January 2021 – January 2025
Worked on the Rust compiler and associated open- and closed-source tooling, particularly on improving the language's Developer Experience. This included both tooling work as well as language feature design, implementation and shepherding stabilization.
Conducted Supply-Chain Security analysis of the Rust ecosystem.
Developed redpen, a Rust linter reusing rustc internals with access to type system information for advanced analyses.
Advised customer-facing teams on backend service designs implemented in Rust.
Technical advisor on a sampling profiler for Rust applications.
Software Engineer
July 2018 – December 2020
Developed solutions for the Health Care industry using Rust.
Developed a fully compliant XACML access control library.
Worked on back-end service instrumentation and performance monitoring.
Mentored employees on the Rust language.
Software Engineer
August 2013 – July 2018
Performed system-wide synthetic traffic stress-tests. Maintained and further developed Stressdash, a UI for exposing stress-tests' results. Automated execution of stress-tests for safe unattended operation.
Developed ETL pipelines for reporting of infrastructure utilization and to pipelines to provide insights into the health of Twitter's fleet.
Maintained and further developed Mechanic, an agent and UI for automatic detection and remediation of hardware issues.
Developed and maintained tools to administer the Manhattan Key-Value distributed database, using Scala, Java and Python, including Mesos based microservices and a Self-Service UI.
Software Developer
March 2013 – August 2013
Contributed to the development of online shop powered by a Django backend.
Software Engineer
Google Vendor — Sistemas Globales S.A.
July 2010 – February 2013
Developed ETL pipelines in Java for a finance datawarehouse using distributed computing libraries deployed on Google's cloud infrastructure.
Implemented and maintained several executive dashboards using JavaScript data visualization libraries and a Google App Engine Python backend, consuming internal services.
Implemented and maintained a real-time Python/Java Business Intelligence platform to monitor financial metrics.
Tech lead of team of 6.
Lambda Sistemas
January 2010 – July 2010
Maintained and expanded a homegrown ERP, CMS, CRM and HRM multiplatform Server/Client Python system designed for the book industry.
Created and deployed extensible websites managed from within the PoS desktop application using TurboGears, coupled with book management for easy showcase online, as well as allowing for purchases to be made through the websites, which were managed through the PoS application.
Bejerman S.A.
May 2008 – December 2009
Maintained legacy internal systems ranging from applications for Customer Support to reports for managers, including a homegrown bug tracker.
Developed various new applications for internal and external use, both desktop and web based, using JavaScript, VB6, ASP and ASP.NET.
Technical Support
Prominente S.A.
July 2007 – December 2007
Installed and maintained Windows and Linux desktops and servers for over 2000 employees.
(Summer job) December 2006 – March 2007
Drew technical layouts and diagrams to be used on building sites. Helped on the confection of technical tender budgets (budget for bid). Installed measurement instruments to be controlled by PLC.
Instrumentist Intern
Meier & Fischer
March 2005 – July 2005
Calibrated mechanical and electronic measurement instruments. Installed measurement instruments to be controlled by PLC.
Projects & Conferences
re:Invent 2022 — Sustainability in the cloud with Rust and AWS Graviton
"Emil Lerch, Principal DevOps Specialist, and Esteban Kuber, Principal Engineer, discuss the benefits of Rust and AWS Graviton that can reduce energy consumption and increase productivity."
QCon San Francisco 2022 — Efficient Language and Library Use to Reduce Carbon
Talk about memory footprint, CPU utilization and latency implications of Rust applications, using Java as a point of comparison.
RustConf LATAM 2022 — The language that isn't
Talk given in Spanish, going over some design decisions that affect Rust's ergonomics.
RustConf 2021 — Hacking rustc: Contributing to the Compiler
Recruitment effort to encourage new contributors to the Rust project, with tips and advice on how to do so.
RustConf 2020 — Bending the Curve: A Personal Tutor at Your Fingertips
Overview of the design considerations followed by the Rust tooling, in order to provide a good user experience for developers. Talk delivered at the first Virtual RustConf.
RustLATAM 2019 — Friendly Ferris: Developing Kind Compiler Errors
Talk given in Spanish in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Project Stout (Eclaireur)
git and semantic source code navigation tool. Trigram based search. Simple Regular Expression parser.
Pure Rust library to interact with Constant Data Base files.
Racer - code completion for Rust
Stack Overflow
Toy Distributed Hash Table implementation in Rust.
Google visualization Python API
Python API that generates Google Visualization API URLs. Involvement: bugfixes.
Javascript delayed image loader.
Javascript responsive image loader. Use media queries to change the image to be displayed on img tags.
HTML5+JS diff display that mimics meld's interface.
B.S. in Informatics Engineering (unfinished)
Universidad Argentina de la Empresa
2006 – 2012
Left unfinished after moving from Argentina to Europe.